Saturday, April 20, 2013

Our Library takes shape

The Blue Room now starts to becomes our library as I unpack the boxes I packed 3 years ago and put the books on the shelves.

Patio continues to progress

Garage Cabinet Door

It's 8 am Saturday morning 4/20/13 and the carpenters are installing the garage cabinet doors.
10.30 am cabinet doors on and wood floor installed- pieces saved from the house that was knocked down!!!


Friday, April 19, 2013


The only thing left to complete our family room is the fireplace. That arrived yesterday too (4/19/13). Once the stone guys finish outside they can do the stone work for the fireplace...... Can't wait!!

Shower glass

After a week of UPS taking our over 300 lb glass for the master shower door and panels around the United States they finally arrived yesterday (4/19/13).